1. (v.) to be a half. N, a half. (Rar. āpa.) āfa karauni half crown (old British silver coin, equivalent to 2 shillings and 6 pence.) āfa kura āfa sina half red and half white. āfa ia rātou nō manihiki Half of them are/ came from Manihiki.
āfa ia rātou nō manihiki /
2. (noun) a half.
1. (v.) to be one. N, 1) one. 2) oneself. 3) the first one. tahi kapu kē another cup (of tea or coffee). tahi kē another one. tahi mano two thousand. tahi ngahuru ten. tahi rau two hundread. tahi tekau twenty. tahi o te korekore the 21st night of the lunar month. tahi o te rākau the 18th night of the lunar month. tahi o te sāmita the 4th night of the lunar month. tahi o te tamatea the 7th night of the lunar month. tahi o te tangaroa the 24th night of the lunar month. toku tahi myself. tō tahi yourself. tona tahi hua all by myself/ herself, alone. tēia tahi tangata this one/ particular person. ua tahi tangatā ra that one person (in our sight). ē tahi. It is one. tona tahi hua i hano mai ai. He/ she came all by himself/ herself. ē tahi tangata i te-puka. There is one person on Tepuka. (There is a man on Tepuka.) sō mai tahi kē māku/ mōku. Give me another one. (Cf. sō mai hanu kē māku mōku. Give me some more.) sō akahōu mai tahi. Give me one more. ē afa hora te roa o te taime mei tahi pure ki tahi. The time between the prayers is half an hour. (Syn. ē āfa hora te vā mei tahi pure ki tahi.) .
2. (art(in.def)) a, a certain, one, other, another. (cf. hanu plural indefinite article.) tahi tūrua kapu tī 2 cups of tea. tahi tūhā kapu tī 4 cups of tea. (Syn. Hanu kapu tī ē hā. *hanu tūhā kapu tī.) tahi tūtoru kapu tī.) tahi tūtoru kapu tī 3 cups of tea. tahi vahine kē another woman. tere ki tahi tua mai o te ava to sail/ come to the other side of a passage. (Syn. tere mai ki tahi tua o te ava. Syn. tere mai ki tēia tua o te ava.) kua hano mai au i tahi tūrua tēpu. I have brought some two tapes [for recording]. i tahi rā kua tere ana to poti ō pita. One day the boat of Peter sailed. hano mai te-anai-kura, oreore mai i tahi moni māna. Teanaikura came and asked some money for herself (for her expenses). ua hano hua mai aia tona tahi. He came all by himself. (She came all by herself.) tē nohō ra tahi tangata i te-puke. There was a man living on [the islet of] Tepuka. (cf. ē tahi tangata i te-puka. There is one person on Tepuka.) .
3. (v.) 1) to hold, seize, take. 2) to adopt. (Pass. Tāhia, tāhihia. Nom. tāhinga. ǁ Syn. tango, rave.) tamaiti tāhi adopted son. (Syn. tamaiti rave.) tāhi I te nohoanga, sāpaihia mai. Take a chair and carry it here. kua tāhi a tiōni i tā māua tamaiti. John adopted our son. kua tāhihia tā māua tamaiti e tiōni. Our son was adopted by John. kua tāhi te tāne i te kōpapa o tana vahine. The husband seized his wife's body. tāhia mai te āhata. Take the box. tāhia mai te pēpē. Hold the baby. (Syn. tāhihia mai te pēpē.) ua tāhi au i te pēpē a toku tuahine māku/ māu. I have adopted my sister's child as mine/ yours. kua tāhi au i te tamaiti a toku tuangāne. I (a lady) have adopted my brother's son.
pa‘a Pronunciation
1. Metal hoop round a barrel, rim of a cartwheel, runner (of sledge). E kiriti koe i te pa'a o te paero. Take the hoop off the barrel; E tāmou koe 'ei pa'a 'ōu ki runga i te uira pere'ō. You must fix a new rim on the wagon-wheel.
2. Perhaps, I dare say.E 'aere pa'a koe e rama ākonei kia tunu au i te varaoa. Maybe you could go fishing tonight while I‘m baking the bread; Ka ‘aere mai koe ki te ‘ura? ‘Āe pa‘a. Are you coming to the dance? I dare say (or) perhaps yes. Tēia tēta‘i parangikete nō‘ou, kā anu pa‘a tēia pō. Here is another blanket for you, it could be cold tonight. [Ce. *pafa < Ep. *pe-afa.].
kūpiti Pronunciation
1. (n.) (Bib.). Cubit. E rua kubiti e afa kubiti te roa. The length shall be two cubits and a half (Ex. 25.17). [Lat. Cubitum.] .
2. [Lat. Cubi-tum.].
‘ōmera Pronunciation
1. (n.) (Bib.). Homer (a Hebrew measure of capacity). Kua oko atura au iaia naku, i te au ario okotai ngauru ma rima ra, e tetai omera kerite, e te afa omera kerite. So i proceeded to buy her for myself for fifteen pieces of silver, and a homer of barley, and half a homer of barley (Hos. 3.2). [Heb. chomer.] .
2. [Heb. Chomer.].