‘ereni Pronunciation


1. Herring. ‘E ‘ereni tāku kā kai. I‘ll have herring (to eat); E ‘ia te moni i te punu ‘ereni? How much is a tin of herrings? [Eng. Herring.].

2. Out-of-tune. 'Akatanoa tō kīta kua 'ereni. Tune your guitar, it's out-of-tune; Te 'ereni nei I tō'ou reo! You are (singing) out-of tune! Reo ‘ereni, a wrong note, an accidental (flat or sharp). (See tā‘ereni.).

Erēni Pronunciation


1. (loc.n.) The name of the country of Greece .

‘Ereni Pronunciation


1. Greece, Greek. [Gk Hellēn.].



1. (caus.) ereni. Make discordant or out-of-tune. Nā'au tika ai e 'aka'ereni ana i tā tātou 'īmene! You are definitely the one making our song flat! .

tā‘ereni Pronunciation


1. Sing or play something off-key, out of tune or with sharps and flats. Nā'ai i tā'ereni i te kītā? Who put the guitar out of tune? .

piāno Pronunciation


1. Piano, harmonium. Kua 'ereni tēia piāno.This piano is out-of-tune. [Eng. Piano.].

reo Pronunciation


1. Voice. Kua 'akarongo au i te reo i te kāpiki'anga mai kiāku. I heard a voice calling me; Kua 'ā tōku reo. I’ve lost my voice.

2. Key, part, voice, tone. E ‘īmene koe i te reo teitei, nāku e marū. You take the tenor (soprano) part, I‘ll sing bass; Kāre e teitei ana te reo o tēnā ‘īmene. That song isn’t in too high a key. Reo ‘ereni, a wrong note (flat or sharp).

3. Key (on keyboard of instrument). Kua kino te reo o teia ‘āmōnia. The tone of this organ is poor.

4. Language, dialect. Kua tuatua 'aia nā mua nā roto i te reo papa'ā. He spoke first in English; Kā kite koe i te reo Māori? Reo 'enua, mother tongue, Tangata ‘uri reo, interpreter, translator.

5. Reo ‘iku. Will, last instruction, make a will, bequeath, give parting instructions. Kua 'akamana'ia taua reo 'ikū ra ki ō te rētita. The will has been proved at the registrar's; Kua reo 'ikū aia i tāna 'apinga no tāna tamā'ine. He left his possessions to his daughter. Reo ‘iku‘iku, last wishes, parting wishes. Tēia tōna reo ‘iku‘iku ki tāna ‘ānau, koia ‘oki, kia no‘o ‘au ‘ua rātou ē ‘oki ‘ua mai ‘aia. His parting injuction to his children was that they should live in amity together until he came back. [Pn. *le‘o.].

‘āmōnia Pronunciation


1. Ammonia. 'E 'āmōnia teia maniua. This is an ammonia fertiliser. E kā'iro i tēia pūtē ‘āmōnia ki ē rua p [amo2 RR.]. Mix this bag of ammonia with two bags of phosphate and sprinkle it around the orange trees. E kā'iro i teia pūtē 'āmōnia ki ē rua pūtē kuāna kā ruru ei takapini i te au 'ānani. [Eng. Ammonia.].

2. Harmonium, pedal organ. Tē 'akatangi ‘āmōnia ra 'aia. She is playing the organ; Kua 'ereni tēta'i reo o te 'āmōnia. One of the organ keys is out of tune. [Eng. Harmonium.] .