ka‘o Pronunciation
1. Thatch rafter. Kua 'iri te kāmuta i te rākau mēmeitaki 'ei ka'o nō te 'are. The carpenter selected the best rods for the thatch rafters. E 'are ka'o mātūtū tēia ē te tikatika. This house has strong and straight rafters; Tē ‘aerē ra te tangata ki runga i te maunga kā pari ka‘o. The people are going on to the mountain to cut thatch rafters. (See tāka‘o.) [Pn. *kaso1.].
Ka‘o Pronunciation
1. (n.) Fingerling stage - Ika tauira - of the rabbit fish - youngest stage of the morava .
2. (n.) Rafter .
Te Vai Ka‘o Pronunciation
1. (loc.n.) The name of one of the sub districts of Tamarua, Mangaia .
1. (caus.) Ka'o. Fix, thatch, rafters. Kia oti i te 'akaka'o, kā ato ei te rau. Whenthe thatch rafters are affixed, the pandanus thatch will then be thatched.
u‘o Pronunciation
1. (n.) Pith or core (of wood). E uruuru i te u'o o te rākau kia pou ki va'o ka tāuru ei i te a'o ki tēta'i tua. Poke all the pith out of the wood before you reeve the line through; E a'u kia taea te u'o o te rākau. Plane it down to the core. U'o varaoa, soft inside of a loaf of bread. [Pn. *uto.] .
2. (n.) Core, pith. Te paunga e te uo ivi ra, the joints and marrow (Heb. 4.12). U'o ivi, marrow. [Pn. *uso¹.] .
3. Pith or core (of wood). Plane it down to the core. U‘o varāoa, soft inside of a loaf of bread.
pere‘ō Pronunciation
1. (n.) Cart, wagon, chariot. Ka nā runga tāua i te pere'ō ki Avarua. Let's go to Avarua on the wagon; Tēta'i pere'ō tipi rua, A two-wheeled cart. Pere'ō pēpe, pere'ō tamariki, Pram. Pere'ō tā'are, Caravan. (See tāpere'ō.) [Tah. Pereo'o.] .
No‘o Maki
1. (pers.) Person, Expert net fisher, Ka'umata .
va‘o Pronunciation
1. (n.) Out, outside. Pour the milk out; Ka teata ‘ua ki va‘o. The film will be shown out-of-doors; Kua tūtaka ‘aia i te au ‘ōire i va‘o, nā mua. He went first to visit the outer villages; ‘Auraka rava koe e ‘akarongo i te au tuatua o va‘o. Don’t listen to tales from outside; Kua mamao rāi mātou ki va‘o i te ‘enua. We were a long way out from the land; Nā va‘o ake i te toka. Around the outside of the rock; Ko ā va‘o i te tāoni, the outskirt of the town. [Pn. *fafo.].
vao‘o Pronunciation
1. Put, leave, lay down, put off (postpone). Ka vao‘o koe i tēnā ‘apinga ki ‘ea? where are you going to put it?; E vao‘o koe i te kāka‘u ki roto i te pi‘a. Put the clothes in the chest; E vao‘o koe iāia kia kaikai. Put him down and let him eat; Kua vao‘o‘ia taua ‘enuā ra kiāia. The meeting was postponed.
i‘o Pronunciation
1. ‘Iōra, (i.e. I‘o + -ra), just then, right then, thereupon. And then he sat down. (cf. I‘o4.) [Pn. *hifo.].
2. (-a, -‘ia). View through telescope and other optical instruments, x-ray somebody. 'E pa'ī tāku e i'o nei. I've got my telescope trained on a ship. Kāre 'e mea i kitea i tōku i'o'anga mua. I didn’t see a thing when I first looked through the telescope; Tē i‘ō ra te rangatira pa‘ī i te rā. The skipper is taking a reading on the sun; ‘Aere ki te taote kia i‘o iā koe. Go to the doctor and get an X-ray done; Kāvea mai tēnā tangata maki kia i‘o‘ia. Bring that patient along to be X-rayed; Kua i‘o‘ia tōna umauma. Her chest was X-rayed. (See tāi‘o.).
3. (n.) (a) glass (general term). Mei te i‘o te areare, clear (transparent) as glass; I‘o areare, clear glass (as opposed to i‘o pōpōiri, clouded or frosted glass); Kua nga‘anga‘ā te kapu i‘o. The glass bowl is broken; (b) lens, and various instruments containing a lens, or glass, e.g. Telescope, magnifying glass, sextant (i‘o rā), X-ray machine (i‘o maki), looking box (for viewing sea-floor) (i‘o tūrama), mirror (i‘o ‘akaata). I‘m looking through the telescope now, there’s a sorrel-coloured horse in the lead; Kāre e taka meitaki tēnā manumanu mē ‘ākara mata ‘ua koe, ‘ei i‘o roa. You won’t be able to make out that insect properly with your bare eyes, you need a magnifying glass; Ko te i‘o rā tēnā a te rangatira. That’s the captain’s sextant; Kua ‘aka-‘anga‘anga ‘aia i te i‘o maki. He operated the x-ray machine.
4. Bend down, get down, descent. E i'o ki raro. Bend down, or get down. Kāre au e tae i te i'o atu nā konei, 'e mataku au. I daren’t get down through here, I‘m frightened; Kua i‘o ‘aia ki raro ē kua ‘akatū mai i te tamaiti. He bent over and stood the child on his feet; Kua patere ‘aia i tōna i‘o‘anga ki raro. He slipped getting down; Auraka ei toto ara kore kia i‘o mai ki runga ia matou nei. Lay not upon us innocent blood (Jon. 1.14) (See i‘o5, ‘iōnga, ‘iōra.) [Pn. *hifo.].
5. Pith, core. (See u‘o.).
6. Strand (of hair). 'Auraka 'ua atu tēta'i i'o i tōna rauru kia pākoti'ia. Not a single hair on his head shall be cut; Kare rava tetai io rauru o to tamaiti e topa ki raro i te one. There shall not one hair of thy son fall to the earth (2 Sam. 14.11) I‘o Atua, name given to a heathen priest (= taura atua). [Pn. *io2.].
7. I‘o Atua, name given to a heathen priest (= taura atua). [Pn. *io2.].
8. (See i‘o5, ‘iōnga, ‘iōra.) [Pn. *hifo.].
9. Following on directly (in time or space). E no'o i'o kōrua, ka 'aere au. You stay right on here, I'll go; E kimi i'o koe iāia. You carry right on looking for him; I muri i‘o iāku. Just behind me, right after me; E kave i‘o koe i te kete. Take the basket along with you (when you leave in a minute or two). I‘o nei, just now, right now. I was just thinking of you; Kare oki au e tae akaou i te au mea ora katoa, mei taku i rave io nei. Nor will I ever again smite every living thing, as I have even now done (Gen. 8.12) ‘Iōra, (i.e. I‘o + -ra), just then, right then, thereupon. And then he sat down. (cf. I‘o4.) [Pn. *hifo.].
‘iri Pronunciation
1. Sort out. Kua oti tēnā au pi'a rēmene i te 'iri. Those boxes of lemons have been sorted; Ka ‘iria te ‘ānani nā mua ka ‘a‘ao ei. The oranges will be graded before they are packed; I tōna ‘iri‘anga i tāku pūtē pārau, kua kitea tēta‘i au pārau kāre i tae te vāito. When he checked through my sack of pearl-shells there were some that didn’t come up to size. [Pn. *fili1.].
2. Plait, braid, twine. E raranga koe i te kete, nāku e 'iri. You weave the basket and I‘ll plait it (close the bottom with a braided keel); Kia oti te ‘ere i te ‘iri ka ‘aere ei tāua. Finish off plaiting the pig tether then we‘ll go; ‘E mānea tō‘ou ‘iri‘anga i tō rauru. You’ve plaited your hair nicely; E ‘iri i tēia au kata ‘ei taura. Twine these strands into a rope; Ia Māuī e ‘iri taurā ra nō te kupenga. While Māuī was making the cord for the net. (See ‘iri‘iri2.) [Pn. *firi.].
3. Mourn, grieve (Mang. Dial., cf. Rar. Mi‘i). (See ‘iri‘iriā.). Kua 'iri te metua i tāna tamaiti/ Teia ea ra, tei ea ra e? The father grieves for his son/ Where is his son now, O where now?(Manaia Chant). (See iri iria) .
4. Red-brown dye obtained from the bark of the candlenut tree. Ka 'aere mātou ki te 'itinga o te rā ka varu 'iri. We're going up east to scrape off some 'iri dye; 'Ei a'a tēnā 'iri nā kōtou kā tiki ei? What is that 'iri dye you are getting going to be used for? .
5. Shelf, table (Ait. Dial., cf. Rar. Pā‘ata, kaingākai)..
katea Pronunciation
1. (n.) The side of the canoe opposite to the outrigger, the starboard side. 'Auraka e no'o ki te katea o te vaka, ka taka'uri ākonei. Don't sit on the starboard side of the canoe or it might capsize.
2. Starboard. Vai'o ki katea. Keep to starboard. 'E vaka tērā i katea. There’s a canoe to starboard. [Pn. *katea.].
ka‘a Pronunciation
1. (n.) The strong fibre of the coconut husk, coir, sennit. Kua pāpā mātou i te puru kia rauka mai te ka ‘a. We beat the coconut husks to get the fibre; Kua ‘iri te tangata i te taura ka ‘a nō te ‘are. People are plaiting sennit for the (lashings in the) house; te toru o te ka'a, the third course (or band) of sennit lashing. (See tāka'a (tā-)tuika‘a.) [Pn. *kafa1.] .
2. (n.) Name of a fish resembling the kanae (grey mullet), but yellowish with black side fins. Kua rauka te ka‘a a te aronga ravākai. The fishermen got a lot of ka‘a; Kua tā'ei mātou i te na‘o ka‘a ki te kupenga roa. We caught a shoal of ka‘a with the long-net. [Pn. *kafa3.] .
veri Pronunciation
1. (n.) Centipede. ‘E veri tēra‘o e totoro mat ra, ‘akara ka katia koe. There is a centipede over there, watch out or it will bite you; Teia te punua veri, ka kiriti taua i te ni ‘o. Here is a young centipede, let’s re¬move its sting. Veri ‘enua, a small greenish type. Veri tinito, a small, brown millipede that gives off a smell when touched. [Pn. *weli.] .
kō‘ae‘ae Pronunciation
1. (fq.) (-a, 'ia), kō'ae. Tear, split. Kua kō'ae'ae 'a Ka'a i te pona o Tiare i tō rāua tā'anga. Ka'a ripped Tiare's shirt to shreds when they were fighting; Kua kō'ae'ae'ia te rau meika e te matangi. The banana leaves were torn to pieces by the gale. [kō'are rR.] .
ka‘atea Pronunciation
1. (v.i.) Show up greyish white. Tē ka‘atea ‘uā ra te upe i runga i te matie i te pōpongi ‘anga ake. The dew was showing whitish on the grass the morning after; tērā mea ka‘atea, that whitish object; Kua ka‘atea te rauru o taua va‘inē ra. The woman’s hair is greying, [ka ‘a-3, tea.] .
a‘o Pronunciation
1. Have good wind, plenty of breath. Kā a'o koe mē terēni putuputu koe. You'll have plenty of wind if you train frequently. Tangata ‘oro a‘o, long-distance runner. Ko Tiā tō mātou tangata 'oro a'o. Tiā is our long-distance runner.
2. Breath. Kua potopoto tōna a'o. He was short of breath, he was panting. Kua 'oki mai 'aia ki runga i te vaitata'anga tōna a'o i te pou. He came up again when his breath was nearly exhausted. A‘o potopoto, asthma, any bronchial condition causing shortness of breath.
3. Puff or current of air. 'E a'o ma'ana tei pu'ipu'i mai mei roto i taua rua. Puffs of warm air were coming from inside that hole.
4. Span of life. 'E tangata a'o roa 'aia. He had a long life.
5. Cord, strong string, fishing line. 'Ē toru āku pōkai a'o ka 'inangaro. I'd like three balls of string; Kua motu taku a'o, I tōku manako 'e ika ma'ata. My line has broken, I think it was a big fish; Tē tā kupenga a‘o nei au. I‘m making a fishing net. [Pn. *afo.].
6. (N.B. a‘o is commonly written ‘o and attached to the preceding word when this ends in -a, e.g. Tērā a‘o is written as Tērā‘o, Tēnā a‘o as Tēnā‘o, Tōna a‘o as Tōnā‘o, Tāna a‘o as Tānā‘o, Tukuna a‘o as Tukunā‘o, ‘Ua a‘o as ‘Uā‘o).
7. Next to, on the far side, just past, on from (the person addressed or the place referred to). Kāre tērā, tērā‘o, Not that one, the farther one; Kāre tēnā, tēnā‘o, Not the one by you, the next one on; Tērā‘o ‘a Mīkara. There’s Mikara (the other side of you from me); E ‘oro! tēnā‘o ‘a Kimi i te ‘opu iā koe! run! Kimi is catching you!; Tukuna a‘o kiā Tere. Pass it on to Tere; I tū ‘a Pere ki muri a‘o iā koe i napō. Pere was standing right behind you yesterday.
8. Referring to the place where, or the time when, the person addressed or referred to will next be (or has just been) involved. E ‘aere atu koe, nāna ‘e kave a‘o. You go on, he‘ll bring it over there later; Mē kite a‘o koe iā Kore, e ‘akakite kia ‘aere mai. If you see Kore, tell him to come; Kua tuku ‘ua a‘o ‘aia i taua ‘apinga ki roto i te pi‘a i ‘aruru ei. He had only just put the thing into the box when it exploded. Tānā‘o ē tānā‘o, tōnā‘o ē tōnā‘o, each his own. Then each of them dragged his own canoe into the sea..