kurī Pronunciation
1. (n.) Dog ( Mang. And N.G.Pt. dial.; cf Rar. puakāoa). E titiri atu ei na te kuri, And throw it out for the dogs (Matt. 15.26); Te nio elephana, e te kuri-tangata, e te pipi manea, Ivory, apes, and peacocks (1 Kings 10.22). [Pn. *kulii.] .
2. [Pn. *kulii.].
1. dog. (There are no dogs in Penrhyn; people are prohibited to keep dogs by a local law, which came into effect in 1960's. The dog fleas were a reason of the prohibition.) .
kurī hīkoke /
skinny dog.
kurī tāne /
male dog.
kurī vahine /
female dog.
e kurī koe. /
You are a dog. (A light swear.)
ua seva te kurī. /
The dog(s) barked.
1. (v.i.) To fit or suit, as of becoming garments, nice-looking, perfect .
2. (v.i.) Guess or calculate (probability), e ruma tera kuri kare tā - I'll bet that dog won't fight .
3. (v.i.) To appear, become apparent .
4. (v.i.) To have 'presence', to be pleasantly self-assured .