moana Pronunciation
1. (n.) Ocean, the deep (blue) sea outside the barrier reef. Kua tere atu rātou nā te moana i te kimi i tēta‘i ‘enua ‘ōu. They sailed off across the ocean searching for a new land; Ka ‘aere tāua ka tautai moana āpōpō. Let's go deep-fishing tomorrow.
2. Deep blue. E pona moana tōna i 'a'ao mai ei ki te pure. She wore a blue dress to church; Kua riri ‘aia i te moana‘anga tōna piripou i te ‘inika. He was annoyed when he got blue ink over his trousers. (See uriuritūmoana, uruurutūmoana, ‘akamoana; cf. Moana1.) [Pn. *moana.].
1. (n.) The ocean, sea; / pā moana .
2. (v.i.) To be light greenish blue, turquoise in color .
3. (v.i.) Light greenish blue, turquoise in color .
4. (n.) The ocean, deep sea, colour of the sea .
1. 1) ocean, sea, lagoon. 2) blue (colour). (Syn. tai, roto.) .
moana māramarama /
light blue.
moana pōiri /
dark blue.
moana tāreva /
deep ocean.
moana i tua /
kua tere ai taruia ki te moana. /
Taruia sailed into the ocean.
Teariki Moana Pronunciation
1. (pers.) Person, Fruit Control Inspector - Oneroa (Atiu) .
2. (pers.) Person, Story teller .
3. (pers.) Person, Speaker at meetings .
4. (pers.) Person, Has post partum medicine and medicine to treat VD .
5. (pers.) Person, One of first two men to plant pineapples .
Taenga Moana Pronunciation
1. (pers.) A person living in Ivirua, Canoe-making ta'unga, Ivirua .
2. (pers.) A person living in Ivirua, Karanga money sharer .
Pā moana
1. (n.) The seas or ocean area and particularly the islands within, surrounding the area utilized as the modifer .
moana toto
1. (n(tn)) a place in Motukohiti; there is an old cemetry.
uruuru-tū-moana Pronunciation
1. Waterspout. Kua tu mai te uruuru-tu-moana I mua I te pai. A water sprout appeared in front of the ship. [uri RR, tū, moana.].
uriuri-tū-moana Pronunciation
1. Waterspout. (see uruuru-tū-moana.) [uri RR, tū, moana.].
Taenga Moana Va‘ine Pronunciation
1. (pers.) A person living in Ivirua, Tīaki, Wednesday .
2. (pers.) A person living in Ivirua, Ear Cutting Committee, cutter (of pigs identified for the takurua mata’iti) .
1. (loc.n.) The ocean area between the Cook Islands and New Zealand; possibly derived from New Zealand mythology .
Te Moana-Rēva Rēva Pronunciation
1. (loc.n.) Poetic. A name for New Zealand in the Miri of Turi .
‘Ua pu‘era te tiare oīe moana Pronunciation
1. Said when there are 'white caps' on the ocean .
1. (n.) fire. (cf. sika1.) ahi oro fire made by rubbing. ahi o te moana sea fire. (It is a mystery fire seen on the sea at night. If people get closer to it, the fire moves away or disappears. Syn. ahi o te pō.) ahi o te pō night fire. (Syn. ahi o te moana.) oro ahi to make a fire with rubbing a piece of wood against another piece of wood. (Hano wood was used for this purpose. cf. PB: 100-101.) sika ahi to make a fire. sika i te ahi to make a fire. pupusia te ahi kia ura/kā. Blow the fire to flare up. tāhiihiri i te ahi to fan a fire. kua pau te hari i te ahi The house was burnt down. (Syn. kua pau te hari i te kā.) kua kā te ahi o te moana. The sea fire is ablaze. ā oro au i te ahi. I will make a fire. (Syn. kā oro au i te ahi.) .
2. (n(bn)) kind of grass, growing in swampy place, local medicine for bone fracture (hati).
karekare Pronunciation
1. Rough, whipped up (of the sea). I tō mātou ‘akaruke‘anga i te ava kua karekare te moana ē kua tā‘uri‘uri te pa‘ī. When we left the harbour, the sea got rough and the ship rolled; Tai karekare, rough seas; Kua ‘akaātea rātou i te pa‘ī ki va‘o i te ‘enua nō te karekare o te moana. They kept the boat well clear of land because the sea was so rough.
2. (n.,fq.) kare1. Sea-foam. [kare1 RR.].
1. (n.) division (of land or lagoon). (< Nom. of tuha.) te tuhanga tokerau o te moana the northern division or part of the lagoon. te tuhanga tonga o te moana the southern division or part of the lagoon.
tā‘oki Pronunciation
1. Return (intr.). Tērā 'a Moana e tā'oki atū ra. That’s Moana going off back.
2. Send or put back, return, replace.
3. Repeat. Kua tā'oki 'aka'ōu rātou i te 'īmene. They repeated the song.
1. (v.) to show off. (< Redup. of akasina.) .
2. (v.) to begin to be white. (< aka- 'aproximative' + sinasina 'white'.) tē akasinasina mai nei te moana. The sea is now becoming white. (The boat is now nearing a shallow place. Cf. tē sinasina mai nei te moana. The sea is now white. The boat is now close to a shallow place.) .
1. (n.) 1) bottom. 2) bottom of ship (seen from inside, cf. take). , 1) to be old. 2) to consume nearly to the bottom (usually of something in a sack). takere o te moana i roto bottom of the lagoon. takere o te moana i tua bottom of the ocean. haraoa takere old flour . (syn. haraoa tahito.) kai takere old foods. e tī takere tēia. nō nanahi tēia. This is old tea. This was made yesterday. ua pau roa te suka. ua tūroa ki te takere o te pūtē. The sugar is finished. It remains only on the bottom of the sack. tei raro roa te raisi i te takere. The rice is left a little bit at the bottom [of the sack]. (Syn. e takere raisi hua te toe. The rice remains just at the bottom.) ko ā raro i te takere tāna i sō mai māku. It was the remnant at the bottom that he/ she gave me.