uaua Pronunciation
1. Vein, artery, gland, sinew, tendon, muscle, nerve. Kua motu te uaua i tona rima ē kua 'ī te toto. The artery in his wrist was severed and the blood spurted out; Kua 'uti te uaua i tōna vaevae i tōna tu'e'anga i te pōro. He pulled a tendon in his leg while kicking the ball. Tāviriviri uaua, perform gymnastics. Tei te tāviriviri uaua tērā aronga. They are doing gymnastics. Kua tāviriviri uaua rātou. They performed gymnastics. Uaua pukupuku, varicose veins; prominent (bulging) muscles. E uaua pukupuku te maki i muri i tōna vaevae. She has varicose veins at the back of her legs; E tangata uaua pukupuku 'a Tuna. Tuna is a well-muscled man. Uaua mingi, uaua ‘uti, cramp in the muscles.
2. (fq.) ua¹. Rain frequently, continu-ously; very rainy. Mē uaua, kāre e tārekareka. There won't be any sports if it goes on raining; Nō te uaua, nō reira i repo ei te vai. We have had so much rain, that’s why the water was so dirty; Kua ‘ō‘onu te vai i roto i te au kauvai i te uaua‘anga. The amount of water in the rivers increased as the rains continued; ‘E marama uaua tika ai tēia. This has been a very wet month. [ua¹ RR.].
3. Rubber tube, inner tube (tyre). Kua 'akangote 'aia i te kāratīni ki roto i te mō'ina nā roto i te uaua. He sucked the kerosene into the bottle through a rubber tube; Kāre e tano te uaua pātikara, 'e angiangi roa. A bicycle tube won't be any good, it is too thin. A bicycle tube won’t be any good, it is too thin.
4. Elastic. Kua motu te uaua i tōna piripou pā'ī tai. The elastic broke in his bathing trunks.
5. Sinewy, stringy, tough (of meat, bread); toughness, etc. Kua uaua teia puakatoro, 'e puakatoro tangata metua. This beef is tough, it must have been an old cow; kāre e marū iāku tēnā puakani'o nō te uaua. I can’t chew up that goat meat, it’s so tough; Kua riri ‘aia ki te tangata tunu i te uaua‘anga te varāoa. He was annoyed with the baker for making such tough bread. Uaua ngatā, difficult, arduous. Kua uaua ngata te tuatua e tae ei kia ratou. It will be very difficult to get a message through to them; 'E mea uaua ngatā e ma'uti mai ei te tūtau, kua keta ki te tumu o te toka. It is going to be a devil of a job getting the anchor free, it is caught round the base of a rock.
6. Elastic, flexible, adaptable. No te uaua i taua pupu, no reira i kore ei e 'ati. Their team was flexible, that's why they weren't beaten. [Pn *uaua.].
1. (n.) rubber. (Syn. rapa, pūsangisangi.) tākai ki te uaua to bind rubber around something.
2. (v.) to rain often. (< Redup. of ua1.) e rā uaua tēia. It is rainy day today.
1. (n.) A showery, rainy day, the entire period .
2. (v.i.) To be elastic, rubbery .
3. (n.) An elastic, a rubber .
4. (n.) An elastic .
5. (v.i.) Unsettled, as a spordically rainy day .
6. (v.i.) To be strong; to be difficult to move, hard to work upon, difficult to split, as firewood .
uaua Pronunciation
1. vein in body- human and animal .
2. rain then stops then rains during the day .
Ūaūa Pronunciation
1. (n.) The veins of blood which show on one's arm, or on the forehead of a man who has been drinking or is angry .
akatikatika uaua
1. (n.) Gymnastics; physical training .
Tā uauā Pronunciation
1. (v.) To fish using two hooks generally a spreader bar, on one line, in order to take two fish at once .
uakakā / uārā / uaua
1. A shower, gentle rain .
pūpū Pronunciation
1. A small whorled shell. ‘E ra uaua te ra reka no te ko ‘i pupu. Rainy days are good for gathering bead-shells. [Pn. *puupuu2.].
2. Of pū1 in some senses only.
3. (-‘ia) Gargle. ‘Aere pupu‘ia to‘ou va ‘a. Go and gargle, (cf. Pupū.).
‘ī Pronunciation
1. Spurt out in a jet, escape with a hiss. Kua 'ī te toto i tōnarima i te motu'angate uaua. The blood spurted from his arm as the artery was severed; Kua 'ī te pēnitī ki va'o i te puta'anga te tamaru. The petrol sprayed out when the drum was holed; I te ‘ī‘anga te matangi, kua kite ‘aia ē kua puta te kiri o te mōtokā. When the air hissed out, he saw that the tyre had been punctured. (See ‘i‘ī1, ‘ī‘ī1, kō‘ī, kō‘ī‘ī1.) [Pn. *sii2.].
2. Fish for or catch with a line (not with rod, cf. Tākiri, nor trawling, cf. Tāvere). E tuku mai koe iāku kia 'aere kia 'ī mai i tēta'i 'a'ai, nō āpōpō. Let me go and try and catch a tuna for tomorrow. Kua motumotu te a'o i tō māua 'ī'anga i te nanue i napō. The lines broke when we were fishing for nanue last night; ‘E aronga ‘ī kōperu tērā i te ava. Those people in the reef-channel are fishing for scad; Ka ‘apai au iā koe ā tēta‘i pō kia ‘āpi‘i au iā koe i te ‘ī mangā. I‘ll take you out one night and teach you how to catch barracuda; ‘E ‘ā‘ā tāku i kite ana i konei, i tōku manako kua ‘ī takere‘ia e Toma mā. I’ve seen a moray eel here before, I think Toma and his friends have already caught it. (See ‘ī‘ī2.) [Pn. *sii1.].
3. Name of the letter I..
4. exclaim. Look! 'Ī, tērā e 'aere atū ra! Look, there he goes!; 'Ī, kia kite koe I tōku manuia! Look, see how lucky I've been! .
5. *Protrude (?). (See ‘i‘ī2, ‘ī‘ī4.).
6. *Encounter, get involved with (?). (See ‘i‘ī3, and ‘ī‘ī5.).
etaeta Pronunciation
1. (v.i.,fq.) Eta. Taut(en), stretch(ed) tight, distended (so as to be rigid). E 'uti'uti I te au niuniu 'āua kia etaeta meitaki ka pātia ai ki runga I te au pou. Pull the fencing wires nice and tight before you nail them to the posts; Kua etaeta te kōpū o te puaka nō te mea 'e ma'ata tāku kai i 'ōake ei. The pig's belly was distended with the amount of food i'd given it; 'E a'a rā i etaeta ai te uaua i tōku vaevae? Why do veins of my legs stand out like that?Kiritia tena pona, 'e etaeta roa i runga iā koe. Take that blouse off, it's too tight on you; 'E puāngiangi etaeta tei 'oko'ia mai. They've bought a (football) bladder that inflates well. [eta RR.].
eta Pronunciation
1. Taut(en), stretch(ed) tight (as a rope, inflated tyre or tight-fitting garments). ‘Ūtia kia eta. Pull it tight; Kua motu te niuniu i te eta‘anga. The wire snapped as it tightened; Kua rava tēnā eta.That’s taut enough; Kāre e meitaki kia pāmu eta roa, ka nga‘ā. It’s no good pumping it up too tight, it‘ll burst; Ko te pōro eta ake tēnā i tēia. That ball is firmer (better inflated) than this one; ‘E ‘apinga eta te uaua, elastic stretches; ‘E eta roa teia pona i runga iāku. This shirt is too tight on me. (See etaeta, tāeta(eta).).
ivi Pronunciation
1. Bone, spine. Kua va‘ī koe iaku ki te kiri e te kiko, e kua akaketaketa iaku ki te ivi e te uaua (Job 10.11). Thou hast clothed (wrapped) me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced (stiffened) me with bones and sinews; Kua puta tōna vaevae i te ivi tōtara. His foot was pierced by a porcu-pine fish spine. Ivi kaokao, rib. Ivi marō, dry bones. Diseases leaving chalky deposits on the bones. Ivi metua, backbone, vertebrae. Ivi mokotua, backbone; the necessary basis of anything. Ivi paku‘ivi, shoulder-blade. Ivi poti, ribs of a boat. Ivi tangata, skele-ton. Ivi turi, kneecap. Ivi umauma, collarbone; breastbone.
2. Ridge, spur (of mountain). ‘E ivi maunga kokota ‘ua. Quite a narrow ridge; I kite māua i te ngā‘i kai‘anga rautī a te puakani‘o ki runga i tērā ivi. We noticed the place on that ridge where the goats have been eating the Cordyline leaves.
3. Outline (e.g. Of a sermon), skeleton draft. Kua kave 'aia i tāna ivi ki te 'orometua kia 'akatika. He took his text and the outline of his sermon to the pastor for approval.
4. Race (of people), stock. (See kāiviivi, iviivi.) [Pn. *hui1.].
1. (caus.) pāetaeta. Become taut, tight and stiff. Te 'akapāetaeta mai nei te uaua i ōku vaevae. The muscles of my legs are tightening up.
1. (caus.) Nga'oro. Make to glide, or slide down in a mass (as avalanche, landslide). Nō te uaua 'ua i ngā rā akenei, kua 'akanga'oro 'aere ā uta i te maunga. Because of continuous rain in the past few days, there have been landslides on the mountains inland.
1. (v.) to rain. N, rain. (Redup. uaua.) ua hiohio drizzle. ua ua. It rains. (Syn. kua ua.) kua ua. It rains. tauhua te ua. It rains moderately. e hunga hua te ua. It rains mistily. kua tōrikiriki te ua. It drizzles down. rahi mai te ua. It rains heavily. pūai te ua. It rains heavily. kua hakaoti te ua. The rain has ceased. (Syn. kua mutu te ua.) kua ua ana i nanahi. It rained yesterday. kua ua ana i nanahi, i tēia rā kua nā te ua. It rained yesterday; today the rain ceased. kā ua akahōu i te mārama. Tomorrow it will rain again. ē kore ē ua ana. It is not raining. kā kore ē ua. It will be no rain. (It wll not rain.) kua topa te ua. The rain fell. (It rained.) i napō, kua topa mai te ua. Yesterday it rained. kua rari hoki au i te ua. I have got wet in the rain.
2. (Art(spec),) the, this, that. (This article marks imediacy; the referent of the marked noun or noun phrase is in immediate sight or thought. Small plural or paucal form is unā. This specifying article is normally used in collocation with a locative particle: nei , na, ra. Allomorphs: /ua/ and /uā/; /uā/ appears beofre the words of one syllable or of two short syllables, whilst /ua/ elsewhere: e. g. uā rā nei today, lit., this day here, ua manu nei this bird here, uā manū ra that bird over there, ua tangata nei this person here, ua tangatā ra that person over there.) ua ātavā ra that branch. uā kurū ra that breadfruit tree. uā mangā ra that branch. uā pō nei this coming night. (Syn. i tēia pō, but *i uā pō nei.) uā ra nei today. (Syn. i tēia rā, but *i uā ra nei.) uā vasa nei 1) judt now (in the past). 2) shortly, immediately (in the future). ko vai mota ua aronga nei? Who on earth are those people? (Who on earth is that group of people?) ko vai mota ua tangata nei? Who on earth is this person? ko vai te ingoa o ua tangatā ra? What is the name of that person there? ko vai te ingoa o ua tokotoru tangata nei? What are the names of these three persons. ko vai tērā, ua tangatā ra? Who is that, that person over there? e aha koe i kanga ai (*i) uā meā na? Why did you meddle with that thing? nā vai uā meā na? Whose is that thing by you? ua hati ua rākau na? Is that piece of wood broken? ko ua tangatā na te i patu ana i te tamaiti. It was that person there that was beating the child. kā hano au ki otahuhu uā vasa nei. I will go to Otahuhu immediately. kua mahana (*i) uā rā nei. It is warm today. (Syn. kua mahana i tēia rā.) e puretoru (*i) uā ra nei. It is Wednesday today. (Syn. e puretoru i tēia rā.) .
3. (n.) suspensory cord. (It connects the outrigger boom with the outrigger float of canoe. PB: 195. cf. tutuki.) .
4. (var.) of kua1. (This variant ua is heard quite frequently in daily speech.) .